InClimate 577; $150 Billion A Year

It’s not just about doing the right thing or even saving life on the planet as we’ve come to know it. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions will save big money - or at least that’s the conclusion of the White House Council of Economic Advisers. Failure to address climate change and reduce carbon pollution could cost the American economy $150 billion dollars a year and those costs would continue to increase by 40% every decade if nations do nothing to reduce emissions.

Coal fired power plants are the nations biggest source of carbon pollution. The Economic Advisers’ analysis was released in time to bolster support for the Clean Power Plan at the Environmental Protection Agency public hearings on the president’s proposal that would basically shutter coal plants and create a fundamental shift in US energy policy. There’s a deep divide between the reality and need for change that most of science has agreed upon and the Pollyanna business as usual of the climate change deniers. Money pours in on both sides trying to tip the scales, but even bipartisan studies, like the recent one titled “Risky Business”, conclude that the long-term costs of the carbon pollution is greater than the short term expense associated with cutting emissions.


“Because the Earth needs a good lawyer”, the National Resources Defense Council (NRDC) is one of the organizations testifying at the EPA Hearings. They have an on-line petition to reduce carbon emissions - be advised after signing they may ask for a donation and add you to their mailing list:

New York Times Article:

NRDC Testimony:

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