InClimate 583; We Are Not Deaf, Dumb & Blind

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is composed of leading scientists from around the world. It is a peer reviewed body using the scientific method to study the world’s climate and help predict what is to come. Because their analysis is filtered by hundreds of people only the most indisputable facts make it to final review. Then, findings are often filtered further by reviewers and politicians that let even less of the disturbing information find its way to the public at large. It may well be the tightest review process ever.
The latest report shows what has been shown before. It is and always has been a dire warning that the climate learned and adapted to is breaking down. That a new climate is already starting to disrupt the whole of the biosphere, the entire planet and all life as it has been known.

Exploration, exploitation and the burning of fossil fuel is a major contributor to climate change. Scientists have done the math for us. They are in agreement that most of the remaining reserves of oil, gas and coal must remain in the ground to avoid climatic catastrophe, but vested economic interests and tainted policy makers continue business as usual. It goes beyond reason that even those that privately admit to the long term dangers continue on for short term economic gain. It is incomprehensible.

Demand action. Join the Peoples Climate March in NYC this September 21 and let the vested interests know we are not deaf, dumb and blind.

Peoples Climate March:

Divest from fossil fuel:

IPCC and Climate Break Down:

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