InClimate 591; National Forest Foundation & Carbon

There are 193 million acres of National Forests and Grasslands in the USA sequestering carbon. In 1933, the nonprofit National Forest Foundation was chartered by Congress to help the U.S. Forest Service “maintain the health, diversity and productivity of the nations forests and grasslands to meet the needs of present and future generations”. The foundation has programs with volunteer opportunities and targeted fund raising to help with this important work. There are even ways to offset individual carbon footprints.

Plants and especially trees sequester carbon dioxide during photosynthesis and produce oxygen as a byproduct. It is an important process for the health of all living things. Carbon loading the atmosphere is one way human activity is impacting the climate. The problem is intensified as trees and vegetation are cleared to make room for cities, roads and ever increasing populations. In turn, the altered climate with extreme weather events, changing conditions and long days of drought intensifies the wildfires and flooding that damage the forests and wild lands.

The National Forest Foundation web site has more information and a free newsletter. If there is no time to volunteer, you can send a donation and plant a tree by proxy.

Wild Fire Restoration Projects:

Carbon Capital Fund:

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