InClimate 592; Ambitious French Energy Bill

A progressive energy bill has already passed the French Cabinet and is on its way to Parliament as France looks to reduce nuclear, oil and gas power sources while cutting greenhouse gas emissions. It calls for 10 Billion Euros - or about $13.4 billion - for tax breaks, low cost loans and other incentives to meet the country’s energy needs with clean renewable power. It has been called the most ambitious switch to clean energy in the entire European Union.

France is now the world’s biggest producer and consumer of nuclear power and the goal is to reduce that atomic energy dependence from 75% to 50%, but the bill goes even further. It strives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 75% by 2050. It has components that will more than double renewable energy by encouraging zero emission vehicles, home charging stations and thermal insulation for homes. Subsidies will also be made available for “zero-waste” and “energy-plus” areas that produce more energy than they consume.

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