InClimate 598; Climate March - Over 1400 From NRDC

The Peoples Climate March (September 21/NYC) will let world leaders know we don’t just want talk about climate change - we know it’s real - we want action to slow and mitigate its impacts. Plenty of organizations are behind it. One sponsor, The National Resources Defense Council, reported today they have over 1,400 activists pledged to be there. Its expected to be the largest climate action ever.

Climate change is real. It is the single biggest threat to life on the planet as we’ve known it and is already causing damage with extreme weather events and forced migrations. It may not be possible to go back, but a paradigm shift in energy policy and human activity can slow it down and offer time to adjust to the changing conditions. Don’t be left behind.

This massive climate action includes activities before, during and after the march. The Peoples Climate Train departs from California (9/15) and picks up activists along its route to NYC and a Peoples Climate Convergence summit with speakers and workshops runs the 19th -23rd.

Short NRDC (33 sec.) video:

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