InClimate 611; More Climate Migrations

All the consequences and costs of climate change are not known, but one thing is certain, some populations will have to move. It’s certain because the migration has already begun. The Island Nation of Kirbati purchased 20 square kilometers of higher ground on Fiji. Flooding and shore erosion in the Carteret Atoll of Papua New Guinea has forced about 2,000 people to move to the Bougainville mainland. The capital of Choiseul Province in the Solomon Islands is the first provincial capital in the Pacific Islands to be re-located because of climate change. The Taro Islanders will start from scratch and build an entirely new town on a larger island higher above sea level.


The $32 million Pacific-Australia Climate Change Science and Adaptation Planning program is aimed at helping Pacific Islanders understand and respond to the impacts of climate change. That $32 million could turn out to be just a drop in the ocean, if the compounding factors of climate change speed up. The climate future with extreme weather events will cause mass migration and climate refugees unless preparations are made for a more orderly migration with dignity.

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