InClimate 690; Polar Outbreak Cold Snap

Nothing seems to bolster the global warming deniers and oil barons like a good old fashioned cold snap, but the climate change brought on by the same - may well be responsible for the cold in some spots as well as the 2014 global temperatures poised to become the hottest ever recorded. The “Arctic Outbreak” a near relative to the “Polar Vortex” is back and freezing some butts off. Those are meteorological terms used to describe disturbances like cyclones at the north and south poles - not phrases made up by climate crazies.

High in the atmosphere the jet stream flows around the north pole creating a boundary between warm air to the south and cold air to the north. The warmer arctic region has less of a temperature differential and produces a weaker jet stream that moves around more easily impacting weather conditions. The arctic warming connected to frigid temperatures elsewhere is not proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, but there are reams of evidence in peer reviewed scientific journals that strongly suggest the link. In science, most everything is a theory until it can not be disproved*. There is still a theory of gravity.

According to NASA and the Japanese Meteorological Association - globally - this may well become the hottest year since record keeping began in 1880. The past year has seen the hottest May, June, August, September and October ever recorded. The changing climate has brought 356 months of above average temperatures globally.

*“A theory is simply the most elaborate form of consistent scientific knowledge not yet disproved by experiment. In experimental sciences, a theory can never be "proved", it can only be "disproved" by experiment. This is precisely what makes a theory scientific. A statement that cannot be disproved by experiment may still be highly respectable but it's simply not part of any experimental science (it could be mathematics, philosophy or religion, but it's not physics).” - Dr. Gerard*


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