InClimate 691; Psychotic Individual/Psychotic Nation

Multi-national corporations owe their allegiance to no one, save their investors. That often drives corporate greed which, through bad practices, drives climate change. In America, corporations began simply as government chartered institutions that have evolved to become institutions with individual rights in part through a reinterpretation of the 14th Amendment which was written to protect newly emancipated African-Americans. What kind of individuals? Some corporations have exhibited all the recognized indicators of psychosis.

But wait, there’s more! Now, the Trans-Pacific Trade Partnership (TPP) has a clause “investor state dispute resolution” which would grant corporations the standing of nations to file lawsuits and challenge countries - if they felt the local laws impeded “expected future profits”. This ability for corporations to sue to protect their expected profits was first passed with the North American Free Trade Agreement and 500 cases have been filed since 1993.

There you have it. The corporation as both individual and nation... perhaps, as both psychotic individual and psychotic nation. I hereby declare the nation of me, but plan to retain my individual status as well.

* Everything’s alright... Oh, no, it’s not.
Everything’s alright... Oh, no, it’s not.
Everything’s alright... Oh, no, it’s not. No!

I’m in a preschizophrenic panic; I’m manic.
We’ve really got to save the planet, Janet.

Momma says, “Don’t forget to wear your bonnets”, honest.
C.D.C. says, “Don’t forget to wear your condoms , on ‘em.”

* “Preschizophrenic Panic” from “Billy X: Solo Set” available on CD

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