InClimate 699; Let's Finally be Done

Gas prices plummeting. It’s a boon to the economy and motorists smile... but at what cost. Savings to the pocketbook balanced by consequences for the planet and future generations.

It’s not one single factor dropping prices. The world market is glutted with oil. China and European economies have slowed. Conservation, CAFE standards (Corporate Average Fuel Economy) and the transition underway to alternative clean energy have all played their part. OPEC has lost its stranglehold on energy because of fracking virtually everywhere, the US oil boom and dirty Canadian tar sands oil.

Fossil fuel has run its course. Scientists agree, burning what’s already in reserve will take us past a tipping point for climate change with catastrophic consequences. Let’s finally be done with noxious fumes and poisons. Let’s finally be done with air, land and water pollution. Let’s finally be done with accidents, spills and astronomical profits for the fossil fuel giants.

Lets finally look to the sun, wind and waves.

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