InClimate 718; We Won't be Fooled by ALEC

We won’t be fooled again. The Koch brothers and their allies in big oil, gas, coal and politics often fund shill organizations with deceptively benign names like the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) which sucked in Google, Yahoo and Facebook. But don’t toss the baby out with the bathwater. Thousands of  users pushed the tech giants to wake-up and cut ties with ALEC. It was a big win for public health and the environment.

ALEC is still in business with its science challenged political puppets trying to block the good news of the Clean Power Plan that would greatly lower carbon pollution from its largest unchecked source. Among other things, Clean Power would make coal plants responsible to either close or cut emissions down to the Clean Air and Water Act standards that they’ve had a free pass on in the past. Eight million people wrote in or signed petitions in support of these pollution reductions. The last elections gave Alec and its ilk even more power. They’re even working on a state-by-state plan to take apart state legislation that assures clean air and water and increases renewable energy like solar and wind.

Don’t be fooled again.

Here’s a quick (about 60 seconds) primer on climate change with an impressive British accent you can send your science challenged representatives:

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