InClimate 758; Life at Risk

Two 5-year studies published in “Science and Anthropocene Review” looked at the key factors that make the planet livable for humans and found them at risk. Out of nine important components for life on Earth, four are now considered beyond safe levels. They include human driven climate change, loss of biosphere integrity, land system change and high levels of phosphorous and nitrogen in the oceans.

Changes have been coming at an alarming rate in the last 60 years. A rate unprecedented in 10,000 years. The speed of species extinction has accelerated at more than 100 times the old norm. Since 1950, urban population is up by a factor of seven, energy use is times five, nitrogen entering the ocean has quadrupled and carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere are at historic highs.


Let’s hope we can adapt and not outsmart or outgrow ourselves into extinction.

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