Billy X. Proclamation: National Artists Dinner Day (NADD)


" Take an Artist Out to Dinner Day"
or in exception
"Bring Them Home to a Lavish Feast Day"

Whereas: I, Billy X Curmano, doth hereby and with out prejudice proclaim myself "Artist of the year for 2012"


Whereas: I, Billy X Curmano, have accepted the aforesaid mantle "2012 Artist of the Year" and thereby assuming all  the solemn duties, honors and responsibilities that are encumbered in said title.

Whereas: The aforesaid mantle carries the solemn and austere responsibility of occasional proclamations, diatribes and pronouncements concerning the arts and the state of said arts therein

Whereas: American culture beatifies, and thus esteems said art with its storage, valuation, and display in what are held to be deemed the "New Cathedrals" while the artist as creator of said art rarely earns more than a modest living from their afore mentioned  art

Whereas: The words "Starving" and "Artist" are unfortunately, oft times joined and co-opted in so called "Starving Artist Shows" for execution of the sale of mass produced consumer items passed off to an unknowing and unsuspecting public as fine art

Whereas:  The 2012 Artist of the year here-to-for proclaims the first Wednesday of each month be deemed " Take an artist out to dinner day" or in exception "bring them home to a lavish feast day".

This proclamation is there by witnessed and a judged viable and in effect  from this day and to the expiration of my term as 2012 artist of the year and beyond.

On this date, February 24, 2012, at this hour 17:47 Pacific Standard Time, I, Billy X. Curmano, "2012 Artist of the Year", do hereby with intent affix sign, validate and witness this proclamation.

Billy X. Curmano, "2012 Artist of the Year"
February 24, 2012

Addendum: For the purposes of this document, the term artist shall be understood to refer to all art workers in the visual, literary and performing arts.

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